Customer Available Reporting

Click here to access the Lab’s Reporting Portal (LBNL BAR).


 Report Name  Use
Certification and Payment Activity Information about Purchase Order invoices and certifications, voucher distribution and payment details
Encumbrance Report Encumbrance and pre-encumbrance details, including Purchase Order over and under the procurement burden cap
PO CAP Details Status of Purchase Orders with amounts over and under the procurement burden cap
Purchase Expense Summary Displays all purchasing expense data for a 12-month period, per Project Costing, including year-to-date costs and encumbrances, vendor and description information; sorted by project, then resource category
Purchase Order Detail Provides details of a Purchase Order (cost, encumbrances, invoice payments etc.) on one to two pages
Purchase Transactions Provides a list of Purchase Orders with some basic information about each such as type, status, vendor, buyer, certifier, dates and amounts
Purchases List of purchases which shows Purchase Order, PCard and eBuy transactions — run for Project, Purchase Order Number, Vendor or Create Date
Purchases with Line Detail Provides line item information such as description, due date, quantity, price, distributed and vouchered amounts and projects to be charged
Requisitions List of requisitions — run by Requester, Approver, Requisition Preparer, Project or Create Date
Requisition with Line Detail Provides all the details of a requisition on one report page


Pro Use
Inquiries Available at Purchasing | Purchase Orders | Review Purchase Order Information
Purchase Order Inquiry View purchase order information
Purchase Order Activity Summary View receiving, returns, invoicing and matching activities
Purchase Order Accounting Entries View Purchase Order accounting entries (liens/encumbrances)
Voucher by Purchase Order View voucher and invoice details, including payment and certification information (available at the Accounts Payable | Vouchers menu)
Queries Available at Reporting Tools | Query | Query Manager
EXTENDED_TERM_PO_LISTING Shows all current extended term Purchase Orders and indicates if they are Blanket Purchase Orders
ZP_REMAIN Authorized amount on the Purchase Order and how much has been vouchered against the authorized amount; calculates the remaining balance on the Purchase Order by line (enter a department)
  • Includes encumbrances (liens), identified by the letters COM (for commitment) under the header title An Type
  • The letters ACT (actuals) are the costs you see in IRIS, which can be sorted together or removed from the query depending on your need (enter a Purchase Order number)
LMCPO This query is cloned from RNPO, and additional fields have been added: Resource Type, Fund, Dept. ID, MARS code,  General Ledger Account Number (enter a Purchase Order number)
RNPOCOM This query is like RNPO, but it displays the encumbrances (liens) only for a particular Purchase Order (enter a Purchase Order number)
P_VOUCHER_BY_PROJECT_ID This query will prompt you for a project and will display all invoices that have been posted to the ledger for that project. It displays the AP contact, Purchase Order number, vendor name, invoice number, invoice description, invoice amount, the date the invoice was entered, the date the payment is due, and indicates with a P if it has been paid. It also displays the General Ledger account number that was charged. Certifiers may find this an alternative to having invoice copies sent to them.
AP_PAYMENTS_BY_PO Shows information about canceled payments; you have to use formulas to obtain the total and deduct the payment that was canceled
  • Excludes canceled payments, listing only actual payments made by Purchase Order
  • PO_SUMMARY_STATUS Line and payment details for all non-closed POs by department: enter a Department Code (to look up status of one Purchase Order, scroll down to the Purchase Order number)
POEXP Line and payment details for all non-closed Purchase Orders (enter a Buyer Code). To look up status of one Purchase Order, scroll down to the Purchase Order number.
AP_PO_VCHRS_ALL_AP Lists all vouchers for a Purchase Order, including payments made and amounts on retention (RET)
AP_PO_VCHRS_ALL_AP Lists all vouchers for a Purchase Order, including payments made and amounts on retention (RET)


PCard Use
PCard Order/Print Screen Screenshot of the order retained as part of the documentation requirements for 6 years
PCard Order Report (example) Available in BRS (view orders as they occur)
Transactions Matched to Order Report (example) Used to verify that transaction matching is correct
Variance Report (example) Shows all unresolved orders; useful to research orders that are not closing
Transaction Summary Posted Report  (example) Used by the Approver to certify transactions on a monthly basis (email will trigger when report is available to run)

BRS and IRIS Reporting

BRS Purchasing Reports BRS may be used to view reports for purchasing transactions including PCard, eBuy and Purchase Orders (data is refreshed nightly). BRS reports can be accessed at
BRSLite Purchasing Reports BRSLite may be used to view reports for Requisitions, Purchase Orders, receiving and invoice payment payment, and encumbrance information (data  is refreshed nightly)

BRS Lite reports can be accessed by going to

IRIS The IRIS Cost Browser and Project Tree are updated nightly with PRP project cost and encumbrance (lien) information EXCEPT during the monthly hard close period between:

  • Three business days before the end of the month (Accounting “Accounting Day 0”) to
  • The second business day of the beginning of the month (Accounting “Day 5”)

The IRIS Cost Browser can be accessed at: