Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don’t see the supplier I would like to order from on the eBuy home page?

The suppliers listed on the eBuy homepage are suppliers who offer their items through their catalogs (punchout catalogs). Suppliers who offer items through the eBuy system directly (hosted catalogs) can be found under the ‘Suppliers’ link on the left sidebar. To enter their catalogs please click on the ‘book’ icon on the left side of the supplier name.

I’m on the suppliers page. How do I access the supplier catalogs?

On the left hand side of the supplier names are several icons. Please use the Green Arrow or the Book icon to access the supplier catalog.

What do the icons on the left side of the supplier page mean?

Checkbox – This is another way to search for items. Click the checkbox and enter a keyword or an item number in the search box under the Suppliers headline of the page.
Green Arrow (Punchout) – Click here to access the supplier’s catalog webpage.
Book (Hosted) – Click here to access the list of items offered by the supplier in eBuy
Lightning arrow – This is a short cut to the Quick Find page for this supplier. It also indicates that the search functionality in the platform is enabled for this supplier.

I’m in the supplier catalog. How do I get back to eBuy without checking something out?

There is a ‘Return to Aquiire’ button on the top of the supplier webpage which will lead back to eBuy.

Why do I get a window that displays an Aquiire login page when I try to access a supplier’s catalog? (usually seen in Firefox)

This is due to a browser security setting. From Firefox, click on Settings. Go to Privacy and Security. Scroll down to Cookies and Site Data and go to Manage Exceptions. In the Address of Website field, enter and select Allow, Save Changes.

How can I search for an item?

The new platform offers four ways of searching for an item.
General Search – The search window in the top bar of the homepage can be used to search for items by item numbers or keywords.
Quick Find – The Search link next to the looking glass in the left side navigation bar allows a search by supplier and an ‘exact’ item number. You can search for up to 50 items across multiple suppliers in one step.
Supplier Search – The Suppliers link in the left side navigation bar on the homepage brings you to a list of all eBuy Suppliers. You can search one or more suppliers by entering a keyword or item number in the search field. Please note that the search window disappears when you scroll down to see the entire list of suppliers.
Supplier Catalog Search – You can search in the supplier catalogs by accessing the catalogs through the Visit Store section on the homepage or by going to the Suppliers link in the left side navigation bar on the homepage and clicking on the ‘Punchout’ or ‘Book’ icon next to the supplier name.

I’m receiving a large number of search results. How can I find a specific product faster?

The new platform searches all supplier catalogs and informs you on its progress. You can click on the green bar to add the new items to your search results or allow for the system to complete the search. In order to reduce the number of search results, you can refine and narrow down the results based on certain item attributes, such as:
Tags for small business status- Custom icons
Or, any other attribute that is listed for the type of product (i.e., Brand, Category, Capacity, Author, etc.)

You will find the filters on the right side of the search screen.

Why can’t add the item I would like to order to the shopping cart?

Some search results may require additional actions before the item can be added to the shopping cart. You may see the following action buttons:
Visit Store
View Category
When these appear follow the prompts. If the prompts don’t work, please visit the supplier catalog to check out the item.

I received an error message that the item I was searching for can’t be found. What now?

Please visit the supplier catalog to look for the item.

How can I access my saved or shared carts?

The ‘Saved and Shared Cart’ section is below the ‘Visit Store’ section on the homepage. Please scroll to the bottom of the screen. You can also collapse the Visit Store section by clicking on the caret symbol on the right hand side.

I added an item to a saved cart but it does not show up?

The new eBuy system does not add items to a shared cart when the items were placed in the shopping cart from a punchout catalog. You can work around this by searching for the item in the eBuy system and adding it to a saved cart that way.
Note: Some suppliers may not save to a saved or shared cart. Examples are: McMaster-Carr, Kurt Lesker, Genscript, Azenta.

When I place items in the cart the system takes a long time to verify the prices. Is this functionality necessary?

The new eBuy system is based on real-time pricing. This is why the system verifies the pricing when an item is placed in the cart. This feature can’t be turned off.

I’m getting an alternative items pop-up window when I place my item in the shopping cart. What should I do?

The new eBuy system offers alternative items with a lower price from other suppliers. You can keep the items in your cart by clicking on the ‘Keep’ button or choose the alternative item by clicking on ‘Replace’. You can also report the items as a bad match.

Can I turn off the alternative items pop-up windows?

Unfortunately, this feature can’t be turned off on the user level.

Why is it when I try to get to the supplier catalog by clicking on the supplier name all I see is an information page?

From the ‘Suppliers’ page you can access the suppliers catalog by clicking on the green arrow icon or the dark book icon. If you accidentally click on the supplier’s name, please click on the back button in the browser to return to the previous page and access the supplier’s catalog as described above.

Where do I find the ERGO Order Guides in the new system?

You can find the ERGO (as well as Furniture) order guides under the Packages link on the left side navigation bar. For a complete list of all order guides, please click on the ‘View All’ link at the bottom, right corner of the section.

I’m getting an error message for an item in my cart. What should I do?

Some shopping cart lines may require additional actions before the cart can be checked out to the Financial Management System. You may see the following action buttons. When these appear, click on the action button and follow the prompts.

Agent Failure: The transfer of the item from the search results to the shopping cart has failed. You may attempt to refresh the item but this may not be successful. From this point, you can either add this item by shopping directly from the supplier’s catalog or attempt to transfer again from the search results.
Supplier Site Timed Out: This appears when the shopping cart is attempting to revalidate the item pricing or attributes. You may attempt to refresh the item but this may not be successful. From this point, you can either add this item by shopping directly from the supplier’s catalog or attempt to transfer again from the search results.
Select Options: Click on the Select Options button and follow the system prompts.
Visit Store: The item you have selected requires further refinement. Click on the Visit Store button to be directed to the supplier’s catalog to complete the refinement of the item choices. Check this item out to the shopping cart.

How do I access eForms and are there any changes?

You can access eForms by clicking on the eForm link in the left sidebar on the eBuy homepage. There are changes on how the form is completed but the workflow is similar to the old platform. To start an eForm, click on the green plus sign and click on Continue through the validation of USD currency.
Complete the required fields of naming the eForm and selecting the supplier. Click on the green plus sign <plus sign> to add lines to your form. Input the supplier or manufacturer part number, quote number and description, quantity, unit of measure, and price. COMPLETE A LINE FOR ALL ITEM LINES IN YOUR QUOTE. DO NOT SUMMARIZE MULTIPLE LINES IN A QUOTE TO ONE LINE IN EFORMS. Click on Add to Cart to transfer the eForm items to your shopping cart.