Instructions for Reporting Lost, Damaged, Destroyed or Stolen IT Assets
Go to Report Lost or Stolen IT Assets Form
Stolen IT Assets
Reporting process for a stolen IT asset, such as a laptop, desktop, tablet, portable hard drive, etc.
- Custodian reports theft to local police where asset was stolen
- Custodian immediately reports theft to Security Operations Center at 510-486-6999
- Laboratory Security captures details about the physical device
- Custodian completes Reporting Lost or Stolen IT Assets Form
- Property Rep submits Request to Retire Personal Property Form to Property Management
- Note: do not submit police report when submitting Retirement Form
- Property Management retires asset after receiving email approval from Site Security
Lost, Damaged or Destroyed IT Assets
Reporting process for a lost IT asset, such as a laptop, desktop, tablet, portable hard drive, etc.
- Custodian immediately reports theft to Security Operations Center at 510-486-6999
- Laboratory Security captures details about the physical device
- Custodian completes the Reporting Lost or Stolen IT Assets Form
- Property Rep submits Request to Retire Personal Property Form to Property Management
- Property Management retires asset after receiving email approval from Site Security