Turn-in Excess Property

Excess property to be processed

> Returning Telework Items – IT Equipment & Furniture
> We do not accept any of these items

What is Excess & Salvage?

When government property is deemed “excess” to the needs of the property custodian and the division, the property is sent to Excess & Salvage.  Upon receipt, the property is made available for reutilization to Department of Energy agencies and other Federal government contractors, educational institutions, and nonprofit organizations.

> Internal Excess Process Flowchart
LBNL Excess Internal Screening Flow

How do I start the Excess process?

For DOE Property tagged Items

1. Contact Area or Division Property Representative
2. Area or Division Property Representative initiates Asset Transfer Request
3. Excess Receival Form is affixed to the asset
4. See turn-in options below

For Non-DOE Property Tagged items

1. Continue to turn-in options below

I don’t know if it is DOE tagged

1. Contact Area or Division Property Representative
2. Contact PropertyManagement@lbl.gov

Turn In Options – DOE Tagged or Untagged

1. LBNL Transportation Pickup/Drop-off

    • Property Representative submits a Transportation Work Request (TAF) request
    • Print the TAF form and affix it to the asset prior to transportation pickup
    • Transportation delivers the items to Excess & Salvage

2. In-Person Drop-off

Building 915
2100 Atlas Road, Suite A
Richmond, CA 94806 (map)

Drop-off Hours
Monday – Friday
6:30am -2:30pm

Note: In person drop-offs of DOE tagged Excess Property still require an Excess Asset Transfer (via FMSAM)

Process to Return Telework IT Equipment & Furniture

Please coordinate all property returns with your manager & Area/Division property rep

IT equipment/Office Equipment /Phones /Computer Peripherals

Send an email to help@lbl.gov

Enter in the subject line: Please provide a shipping box and a return shipping label for (Employee name & Employee number)

Provide the information below in the body of the e-mail message:

  • Full name of the person
  • Mailing address
  • Mobile phone number
  • DOE Property Barcode number of asset
  • List of items to be returned (including peripherals)
  • Project ID & Activity

Note:  IT can also process the return of an LBNL ID badge and parking permit

IMPORTANT: Operations and Laboratory Directorate employees who have IT equipment, should enter a help ticket (go.lbl.gov/ITChat) to excess their computing property. Please view the Excess/Salvage Computing Equipment section of the Operations Desktop Support (ODS) Program FAQ for guidance.

Furniture (chairs, tables and sit/stand converters, etc.)

Send email and completed Transportation Authorization Form (TAF) to Facilities’ Space Planning at spaceplanning@lbl.gov

Enter in the subject line: Please provide furniture pickup confirmation for (Employee name & Employee Number)

Provide the information below in the body of the e-mail message:

  • Full name of the person
  • Pickup address
  • Mobile phone number
  • Requested move date (Space Planning will call to confirm the schedule)
  • Project ID & Activity
  • Attached TAF form

For questions regarding the return of lab property please contact PropertyManagement@lbl.gov

Please also read Your Responsibility to Protect Lab Property (June 17, 2020)

We do not accept any of the following

    • Trash & Debris
    • Used packaging material
    • Adhesives
    • Opened chemicals
    • Greases Solvents
    • Aerosol cans
    • Cleaners
    • Oils
    • Damaged VDTs or CRTs
    • Gas cylinders
    • Paints
    • Wastes
    • Biological materials
    • Glues
    • Radiological material

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