Long Term Storage

Long-term Storage


The objective of the storage program is to enable DOE offices and contractors to retain equipment and critical spares not in use in current programs but which has a known or potential use in future DOE programs.  It is intended that equipment be retained where economically justifiable for retention, considering cost of maintenance, replacement, obsolescence, storage, deterioration, or future availability; made available for use by others; and promptly excessed when no longer needed.

How do I place an item into storage?

To place personal property into official long-term storage, requestors are required to complete an Initial Request for Long Term Storage Form that justifies the need for retention including an estimated release date from controlled storage.

Completed forms can be sent to TDStites@lbl.gov for processing

While equipment is in controlled storage, the division retains stewardship of equipment.

Equipment storage must fit into one of the following categories

  • EHFFP – Equipment Held for Future Projects. EHFFP is property that is being retained for a known future use or high potential future use. Limited to items needed to meet current and planned projects (within 3 years), DOE program requirements
  • Spares – Property Items held in storage as Spare is intended to replace an original system or specific part that is currently in use

Storage Rates: $1.57/sq. ft. (minimum 19 sq. ft. – standard pallet) calculated on footprint of stored material billed monthly

Delivery Options

1. LBNL Transportation Pickup/Drop-off

    • Property Representative submits a Transportation Work Request (TAF) request
    • Print the TAF form and affix it to the asset prior to transportation pickup
    • Transportation delivers the items to long term storage

2. Third Party Delivery

    • Requestor notifies warehouse staff of pending delivery
    • Shipping company confirms delivery date & time
    • Shipping company delivers the items to long term storage
    • Shipping company provides bill of lading upon receipt of storage lot

3. In-Person Drop-off

Identification of idle Equipment

At a minimum, management walkthroughs shall be conducted to provide for coverage of all operating and storage areas at least once every two years to identify idle and unneeded personal property.

Retention of storage lots must be re-justified annually to ensure that original justifications remain valid. The re-justifications will contain sufficient detail to support retention.