Reutilization of Excess Property


Reutilization of excess property is a mechanism for Berkeley lab employees to obtain property at little to no cost. Having a robust reuse system in place for property is a resource to the lab community providing cost savings, convenient availability and opportunities to acquire property while significantly reducing waste and landfill.

Internal Screening

LBNL Internal Use Only

Property is made available for reutilization by Berkeley Lab employees prior to disposition.

Public Surplus Internal Screening

We will now be offering some surplus property for internal reallocation using the Public Surplus website. This property is for official use at Berkeley Lab and not for private use.

To view and claim listed property, employees will need to register using the link and code below. You have to register to be notified. Property is available on the site for LBNL use only. Public Surplus will notify registered employees when there are items to view and claim. Property is available on a first-come-first-serve basis. The first employee to claim a piece of property will be awarded it.

Public Surplus will issue an Internal Reallocation Pick Up notice to Internal Users (LBNL employees) if they are the first to claim an item.

Berkeley Lab employees can register with Public Surplus for access to the list of available property. Remember to include this registration code.

Once logged in, go to “Auctions” to view the Berkeley Lab listing of available property. If listed property has a (key) icon next to the title, it is currently being screened internally and only available for reutilization by Berkeley Lab employees.

> Excess Process Flowchart
LBNL Excess Process Flow


Incoming & Outgoing Requests

Available property within the Department of Energy is located on the Internal Agency (DOE) section of the GSA Personal Property Management System (PPMS) website.

Personal property must be processed through the DOE electronic internal screening prior to reporting excess personal property to GSA.

GSA PPMS is the entry site for the Federal Excess Personal Property Utilization Program (FEDS) and the Federal Surplus Personal Property Donation Program operated by the General Services Administration. Assets listed on GSA PPMS are available for redeployment throughout the US Federal government system.

> Go to GSA PPMS to create an account and view property available. Berkeley Lab’s Activity Address Code and Agency/Bureau information is required. Please go here to obtain this information. (LBNL employees only)

To request any assets listed in GSA PPMS, please contact Todd Anderson (x4422) with the applicable Item Control Number (ICN).

State Agencies for Surplus Property (SASP)

Federal surplus personal property donation programs enable certain non-federal organizations to obtain property the federal government no longer needs.

> Visit GSA’s SASP page for more information.

DOE Laboratory Equipment Donation Program (LEDP)

Incoming & Outgoing Requests

The Laboratory Equipment Donation Program (LEDP) was established by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) to grant surplus and available used laboratory equipment to universities and colleges in the United States for use in energy oriented Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) educational programs.

The listing of equipment available through LEDP is updated as new equipment is identified. It is available at no cost for a limited time and is granted on a first-received qualified application basis.

> Visit the DOE LEDP website, and their Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.