Direct Purchase Suppliers

As of April 29, 2016, it is no longer possible to order directly from Alameda Electric, Ashby Plumbing, or McMaster-Carr by phone, fax, email, or their individual website. Instead, please use the following paths to purchase from these suppliers.

Alameda Electric
To purchase an item from Alameda Electric, log into eBuy. If you have questions about which part of the ordering process will change with Alameda Electric view our online guide here.

Ashby Plumbing
To purchase an item from Ashby Plumbing, please contact one of the following individuals in Facilities for the best way to purchase your item.

Beth Streeper

Larry Begley

To place an order with McMaster-Carr, log into eBuy. If you have questions about which part of the ordering process will change with McMaster-Carr view our online guide here.